We sat down with Kristen Schweizer, Director of Operations and IT at Malone Workforce Solutions, to discuss the success they’ve seen with Bullhorn One and VMS Sync.

According to Kristen, “The biggest success we’ve seen is having real time access to the data we already had, but didn’t have a way to pull before. Having all of our data directly in Bullhorn has saved dozens and dozens of hours a week off of our client managers’ desks.”

Check out Kristen’s interview for the full story, and a summary of Malone’s biggest triumphs!

We've only used automation for the past six months, and  we have saved over 75,000 hours off the desk of our recruiters from doing very simple automations. We have focused on building out more, and I'm excited to see that number grow, because it's fun to watch how many hours we've been able to save.
Kristen Schweizer Director of Operations and IT at Malone Workforce Solutions

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