We caught up with Kyle Ketcham, Senior Director of Technology at ALKU, to discuss ALKU’s experience with Bullhorn One. According to Kyle, one of the biggest benefits has been “consolidated profile management.”

“The prior system didn’t sync between the front office and the back office. So, we’d have teams of people manually maintaining client, candidate, and consultant records on the front end, and then have to update them in the back as well. It was inefficient, redundant, and prone to error,” said Kyle. “Bullhorn One brought all of our data into one location, including things like payable charges, billable charges, and invoices. So it’s like one stop shopping, which has been a great benefit.”

Check out Kyle’s video to hear about ALKU’s full Bullhorn One journey!

Bullhorn has been a key partner of ALKU since the  beginning. They've moved with us while we've grown from a small company to a large company. That's a testament to the partnership that we have!
Kyle Ketcham Senior Director of Technology at ALKU

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