November 2019 Product Release Highlights

product updates

Curious what enhancements and product updates we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the November Bullhorn release and what it means for you and your users! We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, don’t worry! You can expect to see the following highlights (and more!) in your instance by the end of the month.

Missed the release last month? Check out the October 2019 release highlights while you’re here.

Usability Improvements to Novo 

Bullhorn ATS

  • Starts & Ends Dashboard Card: When filtering the ‘Starts & Ends” dashboard card by Department, users are now able to click the “View All” link and be brought to the Placement List populated with the expected Placements. 
product updates


  • Submission History: When viewing the Submission History from the Job Submission Tab or the Candidate Submission Tab, updates made by the Automatic Resume Parser will now be shown credited to the Candidate associated with the Submissions.
  • Workflow Parity: Users are now able to configure their workflow icons for custom objects. This added functionality better aligns the Novo experience with the customization options found in S Release.
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  • Internationalization: The Client Submission table found on the Submission tab of records will now correctly show Field Labels translated for non-English users.
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Updates to Open Source Career Portal (OSCP)

Bullhorn ATS

  • Google Analytics: is now available in the OSCP. You may now add Google Tag Manager to your job portal to track job views and applications.
  • Advanced Hosting: OSCPs with advanced hosting configured will now be indexed by Google and shown in Google’s job results. These OSCPs can also export XML, formatted for feeds to other job sites. Rich media including job titles, links, and thumbnails will be shared when posted on social media. Advanced hosting requires knowledge of server administration and we recommend the use of a web developer. Visit Github for more information.
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Email Configurations in Bullhorn S Release

Bullhorn ATS

Users with the user setting ‘Outbound Email Configuration’ set to ‘Yes’ will now be brought to their 3rd Party Email application when selecting ‘Email Contacts’ or ‘Email Candidates’ from a Placement Record. This should provide a smoother experience in using your email application of choice.

Add/Edit Tasks in Bullhorn Mobile

Bullhorn Mobile

Bullhorn Mobile now supports Add/Edit tasks, moving the application one step closer to the desktop experience.

product updates

New Locations Tab in Bullhorn ATS

Bullhorn ATS

You can now save one or many locations for each of your companies and assign them to Roles and Placements. This streamlines back-office operations for your clients with multiple worksites or offices.  Please contact Support if you want this enabled on your account.

E-Verify Updates in Bullhorn Onboarding

Bullhorn Onboarding

Per E-Verify requirements, we have updated Bullhorn Onboarding to include E-Verify Version 30. Administrators submitting an E-Verify case must verify and/or enter their information upon each Case Creation. Additionally, E-Verify has a new status of Scan and Upload.

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Have a product suggestion? Tell us!

For a look at all of November’s product updates, please visit the complete release notes.

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