Metrics Matter

On a daily basis, I speak to clients about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how to best leverage Bullhorn to report on that information. During these conversations with clients, I often ask these questions:

  • How does your organization measure an individual’s success as a Staffing Professional?
  • Do all individuals in your organization have access to tools that measure their performance?
  • Does management have tools that provide KPIs when measuring staff’s performance?
  • Do you share any metrics with your current clients or prospects?

The responses to these questions vary greatly. It is not uncommon to find that clients are measuring for measurements sake – perhaps not measuring effectively or not measuring that which they consider important. The old adage is true – you measure what you value and value what you measure.

Given the advent of the New Year and Metrics Matter session at our upcoming user conference Bullhorn Live 2009, this is the ideal time to get you thinking about metrics and measuring what matters. I have outlined some best practices that should be considered when thinking of metrics.

Best Practices:

  • Identify your metrics and ensure all users are consistently recording activity associated with these metrics in Bullhorn.
  • Communicate metrics with your staff and stress the importance of what they mean for individual success, career growth, and the company’s success. This will help define clear goals and provide insight into how their efforts directly correlate to the success of the company.
  • Provide tools your staff members can utilize to monitor their performance against their goals. Staff members can also perform comparative analysis to historical results as well as to top performers.
  • Share relevant metrics with your clients and prospects. The amount of activity your company performs to fill a job requisition is a valuable data set to share with clients and prospects. When working with clients, they will be impressed by the level of detail and amount of knowledge you present them. Not only does this provide a client outreach opportunity to present the progress of your efforts, it often results in more job orders.
  • Adjust metrics as needed. Metrics should be adjustable as they can change over time. They may also be impacted by many factors including, but not limited to: economic conditions, skill level/experience of employee and type of job requisition to fill.

Not Sure where to Start?

  • Poll management to determine their Key Performance Indicators for a staff member’s success.
  • Review Bullhorn Standard Reports and the associated definitions of these reports that can be found in Bullhorn Help.
  • Attend Bullhorn Live 09 and attend the Metrics Matter panel discussion designed for industry experts to share their best practices.


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