Chelsi Clifton Circle-Cropped

Tribe: Innovating with Automation to Increase Efficiencies

“Quite simply, it is hard to imagine life without Bullhorn Automation! There is no doubt Bullhorn Automation has increased our overall efficiency and has also positively impacted our candidate and client experience”  


Chelsi Clifton, Head of Knowledge & Research, Tribe

The Business Problem

Tribe experienced huge growth over a short space of time and a rapid increase in headcount. This resulted in inconsistency around process and expected service levels not always being met. Their processes were very admin heavy. So they were exposed to more human error as each action required was time consuming for consultants.

The Digitisation Solution

Tribe have been using Bullhorn Automation for the last 12 months and have completed almost 840,000 automated actions. Chelsi stated that Bullhorn Automation was intuitive and its email builder templates, internal notifications and its survey functionality drew them to purchase and love the system.

The Benefits

With Bullhorn Automation, Tribe’s workflows are more streamlined and user friendly. They have achieved consistency across all consultants in their workflow, resulting in a more positive candidate experience. There has been a visible increase in candidate engagement via automated candidate check-in surveys. Candidates can fill their own data back into the database using the surveys, keeping Tribe’s records dynamic and up to date.

What Is Recruitment Automation?

Recruitment automation enables you to streamline repetitive workflows, processes, and communication throughout the entire recruiting cycle to ultimately improve bottom-line and top-line growth.

With recruitment automation, your team can:

  • Reduce Busywork
  • Improve Data Accuracy
  • Engage Your Audiences
Grant Beggs Circle-Cropped

Prestige Staffing: Increasing Candidate Engagement and Visibility

“With our previous system we would average an email open rate of 20-30%, with click through rates at 10%. With Bullhorn Automation we are averaging 58% open rates and 20% click through rate!”  


Grant Beggs, Managing Director, Prestige Staffing

The Business Problem

One of the major challenges for Prestige Staffing was data quality in their database. They were missing people in their searches, they thought were inactive, but in fact may have been active candidates in the market. “Poor data, resulted in poor searchability” Grant explained, “we couldn’t find the right candidates at the right time”.

The Digitisation Solution

Grant has always been a fan of technology, especially of automation and Bullhorn products. The initial reason for taking on Bullhorn Automation was that it offered the most robust recruitment automation solution on the market including marketing and data hygiene.

The Benefits

Prestige Staffing instantly saw an increase in engagement with their outbound marketing. They now have excellent visibility over who is searching for jobs, who’s going on their website and what these candidates are doing on their site. Grant feels that the more they use Bullhorn Automation to help them be really specific in searching and targeting, “it’ll really shorten our lead time to find suitable candidates and should really improve candidate acquisition and placement times”.

5 Easy Recruitment Automation Wins

Here are 5 common processes recruitment agencies automate to improve efficiency and
the candidate and client experience. Master these to start becoming a recruitment
automation expert:

  • Capture NPS
  • Interview Reminders
  • Data Cleanup
  • VMS Matching
  • Pre-screening Candidates
Nicole Hart Circle-Cropped

Fuse Recruitment: Automating Candidate Communication

“Being able to automate as much as they have, our consultants have more time on their hands. It also means each candidate gets the same experience.” 

Nicole Hart, Marketing Manager, Fuse Recruitment

The Business Problem

Fuse had a clear vision of the journey their candidates should have when engaging with their brand but their existing systems held them back on implementing that plan. Nicole searched for a recruitment automation tool that “left no room for human error” and could provide the consistency and visibility it needed over when and where its clients and candidates were engaging with the brand.

The Digitisation Solution

Bullhorn Automation has allowed Fuse to automate and remove previously time-consuming manual tasks from their consultants to-do lists, giving them time back to concentrate on more meaningful tasks like building and maintaining client and candidate relationships.

For Nicole on the marketing front, “it’s been a life-changer”. Now with Bullhorn Automation, the process of keeping data updated is automated and segmenting based on criteria like industry category is seamless.

The Benefits

Since implementing Bullhorn Automation, the Fuse team have saved an average of 822 hours per week.

Fuse now have full control over the candidate and client journey.  They have had better communication with their candidates. Through automated surveys sent to candidates, they are able to capture essential information such as skills and job categories that are searchable by their consultants for better matching results

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Mike Adam Circle-Cropped v2

Triple0 Medical Recruitment: Reducing Manual Work and Driving Efficiency

“Bullhorn Automation has enabled us to free up a lot of time while actually allowing us to achieve more.”

Mike Adam, Managing Director, Triple0 Medical Recruitment

The Business Problem

Operating in medical recruitment, Triple0 has to ensure all candidate credentials, certificates, health checks and more are compliant before starting their assignments. The search began for a platform that would remove the administrative burden from Triple0’s team allowing them to focus on solving client problems and providing the best experience for candidates.

The Digitisation Solution

Using Bullhorn Automation, Triple0 has set automations to update candidate records with relevant information so they know their database is housing clean data, ready for their team to use. The Triple0 team has found Bullhorn Automation simple to use and extremely customisable. Mike said, “In the last 90 days, we’ve done 58 000 automations, saving us 1939 hours.”

The Benefits

Triple0 has been able to automate many internal processes, enabling their teams to focus on adding value back to their clients and candidates. They have been able to grow the team and now have more recruiters providing added value to clients and candidates, while Bullhorn Automation automates the mundane tasks for them.

Schedule a Demo of Bullhorn Automation today

Speak to our team to see how recruitment automation can transform your business