Getting the most out of SourceBreaker

getting the most out of sourcebreaker

In recruitment, speed is everything. Competition for top candidates and the most promising leads is fierce. You and your team need every tool at your disposal to ensure you’re finding the best opportunities as soon as they arise – and that includes SourceBreaker.

Powered by automation and AI, SourceBreaker helps your team build a pipeline of ready-to-work candidates and new business development opportunities. To help customers learn how to make the most of SourceBreaker, Senior Customer Success Manager Monica Sidhu shares a few best practices and top tips. Read on below to learn how to find top candidates quickly, set up business development, leverage automations so you never miss a job, and utilise company intel to put you one step ahead of the competition.

Never miss a new job lead

“We want to make sure that you’ve got your business development side covered and you’re also automating all of your business development and lead searches,” Sidhu states. With SourceBreaker, that’s as easy as clicking a button.

Within SourceBreaker, you can find live matching job leads with a single click. With the “search leads” button, SourceBreaker can search for open jobs with the criteria you outline. “Straight away, there’s a ton of jobs that appears which you’ll be able to reach out to as new job leads,” explains Sidhu.

When you run a search for leads in SourceBreaker, you’ll notice two tabs at the top of your search: “SourceBreaker leads” and “aggregator leads.” SourceBreaker leads are directly from company career pages, while aggregator leads are pulled from external, third-party career sites. “This is a really good way of running those job lead searches because it’s covering all of those areas for you,” said Sidhu. “It’s saving you time, so you don’t have to go to each of these individual company websites or scroll through those job site pages just to see if there are jobs posted on there.”

A couple of other searches that Sidhu recommends setting up are queries based on your target companies as well as your current and previously worked with clients.

First, to build a search around a target company, simply add in the names of those targets into your search, and SourceBreaker will populate all of those companies’ open jobs within your search. You can also refine that search by location to only search for job leads within a certain geographical area. You can also narrow your search by adding in job descriptions, skills, or keywords, so your search provides you with the most relevant jobs to what you’re looking for. Sidhu also recommends building a search targeting your current – or even past – clients. “Those are going to be really easy wins for you because you’re not having to go in with a cold conversation. You are just going to get notified. You’ve already got the relationship there.”

If you’re focusing on finding leads for a specific role, try utilising a split job title search. For example, if you’re looking for DevOps engineers, start building your search with just the “DevOps” keyword. Then, add in your other keywords like “engineer,” “developer,” or “architect.” You’ll then merge this second term group, so the search reads “engineer or developer or architect.” This tells your search mechanism that as long as the word DevOps and one of these terms appear somewhere in that job title, to find those jobs and include them in your search. This is a great way to ensure you’re the first to the most promising job leads out there.

You can also automate your new lead searches with SourceBot, which runs your search across your job boards and Bullhorn database 24/7. SourceBreaker will notify you whenever new candidates match your search, both through a daily email and right within the SourceBreaker platform.

Leverage intel to stay one step ahead

Want to know what companies might be hiring in the near future? Head to the Intel section within SourceBreaker. In the funding round section, you can see companies that have recently received funding. But that’s not all; you can also see where they’re based, what industry they’re in, the funding type they received, how much money they received, and when the funding round was announced. Similarly to SourceBots, you can set alerts to receive notifications about the latest funding rounds.

If you’re not familiar with funding rounds, SourceBreaker has you covered. You can always click on a funding round to learn more about what that might mean for a company. “As a recruiter, I would definitely be thinking if a company has received funding, they are definitely going to grow,” Sidhu said.

Companies in this list may also have a number displayed next to them; that indicates the number of jobs they’re currently hiring for. You can click on that number and see a full list of every job opening they have.

SourceBreaker also provides you with a list of key people within each company, as well as their email and a direct link to their LinkedIn profile. With the email finder function, you can search for anyone within the company and find their contact information. Similarly, SourceBreaker also provides you with a newsfeed section containing any recent articles about the company, so when you do reach out, you can show that you’ve done your research.

Leveraging this intel is especially helpful if you’re trying to break into a new market. “This is like a ready-made target company list for you, without you even having to do that research,” Sidhu said.

This intel, combined with automated, tailored searches, will have you uncovering the very best candidates, job leads, and business development opportunities, ensuring your agency is always one step ahead.

Curious about SourceBreaker? Visit our product page or reach out to your account manager today.

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