6 features to help you make the most of Bullhorn Analytics

6 features to help you make the most of Bullhorn Analytics

There’s no doubt recruiting is a complex process. With the increased focus to win new business and the need to continually nurture candidate relationships it can be difficult to divide your time, even for the most seasoned recruiters.

Accurate data can help your team gain visibility into crucial processes, but data on its own can only go so far. With actionable insights, data visualisations, and real-time dashboards, Bullhorn Analytics takes your data a step further to help guide your decisions.

Take a look at six parts of Bullhorn Analytics below which will help to direct your recruiters to the most important tasks and give your agency the visibility it needs to stay ahead of the game.

1. Oneview

OneView is your standard landing page within Bullhorn Analytics. Easily access different OneView pages to see what metrics are most important for you and your team. This allows consultants to track their performance against targets at a glance.

For those using the Enterprise edition of Analytics, everything below the priority metrics can also be customised at the admin level. Plus, for businesses with split desks, separate pages can be set up for sales teams and recruiters, featuring metrics relevant to their roles.

2. Jobs pipeline

The Jobs pipeline module is designed to help recruiters track and manage their job responsibilities and progress, all within one place. You can easily view jobs owned by a specific user, plus any activity related to those jobs, regardless of who performed those activities.

Take it a step further with the Enterprise edition where Analytics provides gamification features. Gamification features within Bullhorn Analytics brings leaderboards, trends and any new deals to life for different teams within your agency. It helps to drive data quality and CRM adoption across your organisation.

Jobs pipeline can also be toggled between sales and recruiting views. By using these toggles and additional options, you can filter to show all activity on jobs with contributions from specific individuals or focus solely on activities logged by a particular user.

No matter how you set it up, the jobs pipeline module gives your recruiters better access and visibility to the jobs they’re focused on now – and those they should be working on in the future.

3. Onpoint

Onpoint is most commonly used to report on metrics, but can also be used to report over ratios. Onpoint provides metrics and ratios for your entire team and individual contributors, so you can see who’s performing well and who may need additional guidance.

Two key ratios to track that are client submissions to interviews and interviews to placements. If a client submission to interview ratio is high, submissions may not be converting well; if that ratio is low, submissions are converting well to interviews. The same is true for interviews to placements – a low ratio suggests that interviews are converting to placements. Tracking ratios like these help you gain a holistic view of the recruitment lifecycle and better understand where obstacles may lie.

4. Dashboards

Dashboards are Bullhorn Analytics’ latest feature, providing a comprehensive overview of recruiter activities and outcomes, as well as actionable insights to help guide data-driven decision-making.

Tiles at the top of dashboards track core activities, such as recruiting calls, candidate calls, and internal submissions. Below, actionable insights highlight areas needing attention, such as new candidates missing essential information (e.g., job title, phone number, email). Dashboard metrics can follow a global dashboard timeframe or be set individually for different timeframes, allowing for easy comparison without switching views.

Dashboards also allow for ratio comparisons over different periods. For example, comparing the ratio of client submissions to placements over the last 12 months versus the last 90 days helps identify trends and potential areas for action or improvement.

Customise your dashboards to the metrics that matter the most for your business will help you and your team focus on increasing your return on effort – that is, accomplishing the tasks that are most likely to result in a placed candidate or a closed deal.

5. Slice & dice

Slice & dice is particularly helpful when it comes to tracking and analysing customer relationships and identifying the most promising opportunities. By focusing on existing and promising clients, companies can improve their business development efforts and job fill rates efficiently.

Reports built in slice & dice can be customised for more granular insights, including specific teams and additional activities. With these insights, you can quickly visualise trends, like clients with high placements, to identify cross-selling opportunities and analyse customer relationships in order to maximise business potential.

6. Trends

The Trends module is a powerful tool for tracking and visualising performance metrics over time. Tracking metrics like job fill rate helps identify changes in client relationships that happen over time and helps guide your decisions to help to strengthen those relationships. Additionally, seeing the way metrics change over time enables better prediction and planning by recognising patterns and potential seasonality in client hiring behaviours.

Leveraging the trends module helps you better understand top-level statistics and detailed trends that reveal the true dynamics of client interactions. Customise what’s inside these modules to your agency’s needs, you can spot areas for improvement, gain a complete picture of your agency, and secure growth for the long run.

Interested in discussing more analytics features which can give your agency the visibility and data it needs to make better business decisions? Get in touch with me here.

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