We sat down with Kayleigh Beavan, Director of Process Improvement and Training at RCM about their wholistic experience with Bullhorn Automation, Bullhorn Analytics, and the Talent Platform. Starting with automation, Beavan takes a deep dive into the success her seen has team with Bullhorn.

According to Beavan, the team has seen several benefits from Bullhorn Automation. Specifically, the team has seen success with their credentialing reminders. “We just use automations as a credentialing reminder,” said Beavan. “So in the credentialing process, recruiters get an automated notification, letting them know that their candidate has completed their onboarding forms. So, automation is seamlessly notifying all of the necessary groups and parties of the information they need without them having to go and dig it out.”

Check out their story to how RCM partnered with the Bullhorn team to find success with Bullhorn Automation, Bullhorn Analytics, and Talent Platform.

I feel like with Bullhorn as our foundation, we can really continue to grow and skyrocket our business with with them at the crux.
Kayleigh Beavan Director of Process Improvement and Training

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