July 2024 product updates and enhancements

product updates

Curious what product updates and enhancements we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the highlights of the July 2024 Bullhorn release and what it means for you. We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, you can expect to see the following highlights in your instance by the end of the month. For release availability dates, please see the full release notes.

Missed the product updates last month? Check out the June 2024 release highlights while you’re here.

Updates to Bullhorn Copilot

Bullhorn Copilot

  • Candidate card user experience updates: We have updated the formatting buttons and layout to be more user-friendly and provide a better experience when interacting with the LLM on a given prompt. Updates include clearer button labels and options, option selection indicators, and an updated layout.

Updates to Bullhorn ATS & CRM

Bullhorn ATS

  • Saved search card: Now, when a saved search is selected on selected lists, users will be able to open the advanced search window and know that they’re viewing saved search criteria. This feature will be automatically seen on Payable Charges, Billable Charges, Timesheets, Invoices, and Compliance Manager Dashboard.

Bullhorn Automation product updates

Bullhorn Automation

  • Semantic match enhancements: We’ve made some updates to our stored repository of postal codes to ensure accuracy. This update also includes some enhancements to our matching service that increases resilience to bad data by updating service to ignore any spaces, special characters, or commas in postal codes.

Bullhorn Analytics product updates

Bullhorn Analytics

  • Edit/view access when sharing dashboards: Bullhorn Analytics users with the “Share Dashboards” permission can now grant either View or Edit access when sharing their Dashboards with other users. Any edits made to a shared Dashboard will be saved and applied to all users. 

Updates to Bullhorn Onboarding solutions

Bullhorn Onboarding

Talent Platform

  • Form I-9 & e-verify: We have simplified the user experience by eliminating redundant “Assign Section 2” and “I-9 In Progress” tabs from the navigation menu with I-9 Dashboard 2.0. Though tabs are hidden, users can still access information via I-9 Dashboard 2.0, promoting cleaner navigation without workflow disruption.
  • Admin experience: We have renamed the column headers on the Translations page for better clarity: “Default Value” is now “Language Default Value” and “Custom Value” is now “Customer Translated Value,” clarifying the priority and context of translation values.
  • Knowledge Base: Workforce Management Users can now quickly search for information via a new “Knowledge Base” menu item in the user settings dropdown, linking to the Bullhorn Knowledge Base for Talent Platform, improving efficiency and reducing support reliance.


  • Emails:  Agency administrators can now set up a custom sender email address under Settings > Agency Information, enabling transactional emails to be sent from their own domain instead of estaff365.com. This enhancement ensures that emails appear more personalised and trustworthy to recipients, with DNS verification status messages providing confidence in email delivery.

For a complete look at July product updates, please visit the full release notes.

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