Build with Billy: Automate Candidate Follow up After Leaving a Voicemail Using Herefish

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Want to follow up with candidates after you leave a voicemail, but short on time? With Herefish, it doesn’t have to be a manual process. All it takes is a few minutes to build out this simple workflow and then you can sit back and watch your personalised follow-ups send automatically. Check out how to automate candidate follow-up in this Build with Billy video.

How to Automate Candidate Follow-up After Leaving a Voicemail Using Herefish

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Automation, select Candidate-Based and name your automation.
    1. Leave your automation as Standard. 
  2. Under Automation Enrollment, select Create New List, and name your list.
  3. Under List Settings, click the Total number of candidate that match this search drop-down and select Note Type.
    1. Fill in the note type you’d like to base your automation on (e.g. Herefish Left Message).
  4. Any Date will populate as a new drop-down below. Change this drop-down to Less Than and enter your preferred time frame (e.g. 2 Days Ago).
  5. Click Save on the List Settings and then Automation Enrollment.
  6. Click the plus sign under the Automation Enrollment box to Add New Step.
  7. Select Send Email and under the subsequent fields select the following:
    1. Under Create Email, select From Scratch – Plain Text.
    2. Under Subject in the Email Settings, enter your subject line.
      1. In this scenario, Billy uses the %FIRSTNAME% Merge Tag to auto-populate the candidate’s first name. His subject line would read something like, “Billy – Just left you a message.”
    3. Under Email Settings, select Candidate Owner from the From drop-down to ensure the email comes from the candidate owner in your database.
    4. Enter the body of your email message. Don’t forget to use merge tags to personalise your message.
  8. Click Save.

Make sure to explore the other options available to you to automate candidate follow-up by clicking the plus sign under the Automation Enrollment box. You can send a text message, notification, or various other options that may suit your unique recruiting workflow.


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