We sat down with Shayne Simpson, Operations Director of TechNET, to discuss the impact and subsequent absence of cube19, a week that runs itself and transitioning to Bullhorn.
Transitioning to Bullhorn with cube19
cube19 helped us seamlessly transition to a new CRM, optimise it and instil a culture of data consciousness throughout the company with everything we do.
“Back when we worked off whiteboards, there was little to no validation over what people were saying. Now, we ground every decision in fact.”
“When we’re looking at cube19, we’re searching for evidence, of what’s been done, and more importantly, of what’s not being done.”
“We already know what the benchmark for good looks like with cube19, so if interviews haven’t been booked, or the process is stalling, then we can move at speed to change the outcome.”
“That’s the biggest advantage of cube19 – having the speed, visibility, and evidence of the activity that’s actually happening.”
An advantage that’s bigger than a single solution
Despite the creative branding exercises of recruitment agencies, very little actually sets them apart in their chosen niche.
Agencies win new business on the networks they’ve built, the experience they package, and the process underneath it – the key differentiator is often rooted in the technology that drives these.
“With cube19, we can show tangible success to the clients that have historically been unwilling to engage with us.”
“We can outline KPIs, ratios, and benchmark against those we compete against in a like-for-like way. Our CV to interview ratio, for example, averages at 1.6, which speaks directly to the client about how well we know our market.”
In a recent case study with Darwin Recruitment, we discussed the challenges of adopting new technology into existing processes. Speaking to Shayne, it was clear that a critical consideration for cube19 and the move to Bullhorn came from the wider tech stack it fits into.
“Bullhorn has a great integration with CloudCall that works in tandem with cube19 to capture that 360-degree understanding of the recruitment process.”
“When investing in technology, you have to look at the sum of all parts, its adoption, and the ecosystem that it’s part of.”
“We leverage Awesome Docs and CVFormatter from Kyloe Partners to optimise Bullhorn, and by working with Newbury SI Group, there was no trouble in implementing the CRM and laying the foundations for the tech stack we wanted to build.”
“Bullhorn is great, but cube19’s analytics are so much deeper and faster. They’re instant, and we can have a deal flash or alert within ten seconds.”
“You can also look at Sourcebreaker. We made two deals off the back of two candidates that we simply wouldn’t have found otherwise, which paid for the initial investment.”
Recruiting with a data conscience
cube19 has been wrongly perceived as a way to micromanage, however, it’s a platform designed for improvement over management and consultants soon start to realise that when their numbers go up.
It goes beyond the activity of consultants to understand the inputs behind their output and helps every consultant find a faster route to cash.
“The flexibility of cube19 allowed us to customise our own metrics and bring them to where everyone was actually working against them.”
“We have visibility into the drop rates from counter-offers and the revenue lost from early finishes on contractors.”
OneView can be formatted so that consultants have visible indicators of what they need to achieve today to drive revenue forward. It means they can manage themselves and that managers can have the visibility of them doing so.
“The days take care of the weeks and the weeks take care of the months when we’re working from cube19. We know the live jobs being worked, what we’re waiting on and what we can expect.”
“If you have the right people bought into this tech, as we do, then it’s a dream bit of kit that’s unrivalled in the marketplace.”
To accommodate their expansion, TechNET uprooted from their offices earlier this year and moved to a new location with the intention to double headcount over the next three years.
Its absence showed its real value
During the transition, there was a three-week pause with cube19 in which productivity and revenue fell off a cliff.
“It was a tough period. People can be flamboyant with the truth so it was hard to know exactly how the company was performing.”
During the absence of cube19, the average recruitment cycle increased by almost three weeks which had a direct hit on the bottom line. Since settling and returning to using cube19, we’ve managed to recoup the lost ground and close the following quarter to outperform year-on-year growth for the entire first half.”