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Create and Find Candidates Quickly with Bullhorn
Job Board Data Capture
Forget Copy and Paste
Easily capture candidate information from job boards and immediately add it into Bullhorn. Using Bullhorn Sourcing Accelerator’s Google Chrome extension, you’ll have the option to update or add candidates without leaving the job board.
Resume Parsing
Save Time & Reduce Errors
Increase your efficiency and reduce clicks by leveraging Bullhorn’s parsing engine to extract information – no matter where you find it – to pre-populate fields in Bullhorn candidate, contact, and job records.
Candidate Search
Find the Right Candidates
With Bullhorn’s “fast find” search bar, Boolean logic, advanced keyword search, and prioritization of results based on relevance and recency, you can build a qualified shortlist in no time at all. Customize and configure list views and save your favorite searches for even more time savings.