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Bullhorn Sales CRM for Recruitment Agencies

Strengthen Your Relationships with Clients and Prospects

Bullhorn’s industry-leading sales CRM system helps you manage existing and prospective client relationships and configure your sales process to be maximally efficient.

Your team can access data anytime, anywhere, and on any device with Bullhorn’s mobile-powered selling capabilities.

Bullhorn passively tracks all your email communication against candidate and client records so that you never miss a conversation.


Relationship Management

Streamline Processes and Focus on Relationships with Our Sales CRM

Many recruitment and sales CRM systems are just glorified databases, reducing complex relationships into simple records. The Bullhorn CRM, however, is a relationship management platform.

Create and update contacts easily using the Bullhorn Accelerator and email integration, which allow you to capture information from email and anywhere on the Web.

Streamline your sales process with Bullhorn’s patent-pending relationship tracking technology that intelligently centralises multiple prospect communication streams, giving you a holistic view of how your relationship has progressed and where it’s headed.


Turn Activity into Insight

Better Reports. Better Outcomes

You can’t manage what you can’t measure, and Bullhorn CRM’s standard reports help agency leaders measure what’s working and identify problematic bottlenecks before they result in lost revenue.

Standard reports include sales team and individual salesperson activity reports, job order-specific activity reports, and more. Sales management can also create additional configurable reports based on their specific business objectives.


Mobile-Powered Selling

Create Opportunities Anywhere with Bullhorn Mobile Recruitment and Selling

Bullhorn delivers its sales CRM platform through any mobile device or tablet, allowing sales professionals to manage customer relationships anywhere, at any time.

With the ability to view and edit records from anywhere, including your client’s lobby, you’ll have full visibility and be better prepared before, during, and after client meetings.

And once you’ve secured a job order, Bullhorn’s recruitment CRM integration enables you to enter the new job immediately so that your recruitment team can start working it before you even return to the office.

Our two sales teams sell products independently but share the same clients. They have different sales cycles and we needed a central way to keep organised. When a salesperson picks up the phone to call someone, they know exactly who’s talked to them with Bullhorn.
Cassandra Mayberry Director of Marketing at EPS Financial
By investing in Bullhorn's technology, we differentiate ourselves from other agencies and really stay ahead of the curve.
Robin Pugh President of Queen Associates

Passive Activity Tracking

Every Conversation, Every Time

Email is automatically tracked and records are updated in real time, offering a complete view of your interactions and relationships, with no manual data entry.

Your sales team can’t afford to miss conversations with prospects and clients, and with Bullhorn’s passive activity tracking, they never will.

Salespeople can easily parse in job orders and update contact records directly from emails thanks to Bullhorn’s seamless integration with Gmail and Outlook.


LinkedIn Recruiter Integration

A Single Version of the Truth across LinkedIn and Bullhorn

Bullhorn has provided the industry’s first recruitment agency-specific CRM integration with LinkedIn Recruiter.

From Bullhorn
View clients’ and contacts’ LinkedIn records.

From LinkedIn Recruiter
See if the contact’s record is in Bullhorn, and if so, click to view that record in Bullhorn.

This integration streamlines a salesperson’s workflow, reduces clicks, and provides a continuously up-to-date view of prospect and client information.

Leads and Opportunities

Capture Leads and Focus on the Best

Bullhorn Sales CRM offers comprehensive lead and opportunity management, allowing your sales team to capture new leads from emails or Web data and intelligently pursue opportunities.

The system leverages data-driven analytics to determine the viability of a lead turning into an opportunity, or of job orders closing, and enables sales professionals to easily update lifecycle statuses.

Get Started

Supercharging Your Sales Pipeline

The Bullhorn CRM is an industry-leading relationship management solution designed to help you pursue and win new business while getting the most from your existing customer relationships.

Learn more or contact a sales representative who will take the time to understand your specific needs and identify which edition will work best for you.


How Businesses Run Better with Bullhorn

Ronin Ltd.


Element Gmbh

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